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Manage your consumables wisely Having limited resources, choose wisely whether to use the flare to light your path in the darkness, or save it as a weapon of last resort. Update your teammates with valuable call-outs, support them to complete the objectives promptly, and fend off the creatures to save your crew’s lives. Your success does not depend on your aiming skills and reflexes, but on how well you coordinate.

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Work as a team to complete objectives Work together to repair the broken objectives and escape. Use numerous items and physically simulated sources of light to repel the creatures and buy your team much-needed time. SCIENTISTS GAMEPLAY Use light as an ultimate weapon As a scientist, your main weapon against the creatures is light. After an arduous journey, their ship has finally reached its destination planet of Turion, if only they knew the catastrophic consequences their voyage would yield. A group of researchers from the “New Horizons” Corporation has embarked on a long-awaited space expedition to explore unknown corners of the Universe. A team of four scientists must repair the electrical control systems to escape, while an opposing team of two creatures hunts them from the shadows using various telepathic abilities, ambush tactics, and electricity manipulation skills.

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LEVEL ZERO is an asymmetric survival horror PvP.

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